Seminar Series 2017-18

Other seminar series: Economics Workshops in the Research TriangleDuke Economics Seminars and WorkshopsEconomic series at Duke University

Fall 2017 Seminar Schedule

Wednesday, 9/2012:45-1:30Brewster C-305Greg HowardPolicy Implications of Econometric Specifications: An Agro-environmental Choice Experiment Application. (download paper)
Friday, 9/22N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 9/27N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 9/29N/AN/AN/AN/A
Monday, 10/212:00-1:00Greenville HiltonJames Hamilton
(University of California, San Diego)
James Butkiewicz
(University of Delaware)
Randall Parker
(East Carolina University)
Lunchtime Business Symposium on the State of the Economy
Contact Dr. Parker: or click here)
(download flyer)
Monday, 10/23:30-4:30Brewster D-203James Hamilton
(University of California, San Diego)
Why You Should Never Use the Hodrick-Prescott Filter
(download slides)
(download paper)
Monday, 10/27:00-8:00Rivers West 105AJames Hamilton
(University of California, San Diego)
James Butkiewicz
(University of Delaware)
Randall Parker
(East Carolina University)
Public Forum on the State of the Economy
(download flyer)
Wednesday, 10/4N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 10/610:30-11:45TBAEli Fenichel
Ecosystem-based management and the Wealth of Ecosystems
Wednesday, 10/11N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 10/13N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 10/1812:30-1:30Brewster C-305Chun KuangN/A
Friday, 10/20N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 10/2512:30-1:30Brewster C-305Jonathan LeeTBA
Friday, 10/27N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 11/1N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 11/31:00-2:30Brewster B-104Paul Carrillo (George Washington University)TBA
Wednesday, 11/8N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 11/1010:30-11:45TBAIvan Rudik
(Iowa State)
The Costs of Inefficient Regulation: Evidence from the Bakken
Wednesday, 11/1512:30-1:30Brewster C-305Jacob HochardTBA
Friday, 11/17N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Southern Economic Meetings
Wednesday, 11/22N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Thanksgiving
Friday, 11/24N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Thanksgiving
Wednesday, 11/29N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 12/1N/AN/AN/AN/A

Spring 2018 Seminar Schedule

Wednesday, 1/1012:00-1:00Brewster C-305Jeff Eells (Brody School)Chronic Toxoplasma gondii in Nurr1-Null Heterozygous Mice Exacerbates Elevated Open Field Activity (download the paper)
Thursday, 1/243:30-5:00Brewster B-104Shane Murphy (The University of Tennessee)Causality in the volume-quality relationship for hospital care
Thursday, 2/13:30-5:00Brewster B-104Ausmita Gnosh (Department of Economics, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis) Public Health Insurance, Fertility and Contraception
Monday, 2/53:30-5:00Brewster B-104Teresa Zhou (Economics Department, he University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)The Doctor is In/Out: Determinants of Physician Labor Supply Dynamics
Thursday, 2/83:30-5:00Brewster B-104Ray Miller (Harvard Center for Population and Development)Health, Longevity, and Welfare Inequality of the Elderly
Wednesday, 3/7N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Spring Break
Friday, 3/9N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Spring Break
Wednesday, 4/1112:30-1:30Brewster C-305John Whitehead (Appalachian State University)Valuing Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Public Forests: Scope Effects with Attribute Non-Attendance
Friday, 4/13 N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 4/18N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 4/20N/AN/AN/AN/A

Usually Wednesdays are reserved for shorter work in progress presentations or workshops by ECU faculty, whereas Fridays are usually devoted to regular seminars for outside speakers.