Dr. Haiyong Liu

Professor and Chair

Office: Brewster A-428
Phone: 252-328-1083
E-mail: liuh@ecu.edu
Fax: 252-328-6743

Dr. Haiyong Liu’s research interests are focused on labor and health economics, and applied econometrics. His current research includes economics of schooling and child development, migration behaviors, housing choices, labor market in transition economies, and the application of high performance computation in economics. The specific papers can be found in his vita and personal website. The courses he teaches include principles of economics, SAS programming, health economics, and econometrics.


  • Ph.D. Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
  • BS, Economic Geography, Peking University, 1996

Fields of Interest

  • Labor Economics
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Health Economics

E-mail & Website Links

Personal Website