Seminar Series 2016-17

Other seminar series: Economics Workshops in the Research TriangleDuke Economics Seminars and WorkshopsEconomic series at Duke University

Fall 2016 Seminar Schedule

Friday, 9/161:00-2:30Brewster B-104John Whitehead (Appalachian State)Estimating Lost Recreational Use Value of Visitors to Northwest Florida from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill using a Single Site Model with Cancelled Trips
(download paper)
(download appendix)
Monday, 10/312:00-1:00Greenville HiltonJohn Seater (Professor Emeritus, NC State University)
Richard Ericson
Randall Parker
Lunchtime Business Symposium on the State of the Economy
Contact Dr. Parker:
Monday, 10/32:30-3:30Brewster B-104John Seater (Professor Emeritus, NC State University) The Dance of the Dynamics: The Interplay of Trade and Growth
(download paper)
(download slides)
Monday, 10/37:00-8:30Rivers West 105AJohn Seater
(Professor Emeritus, NC State University)
Richard Ericson
Randall Parker
Lunchtime Business Symposium on the State of the Economy
Contact Dr. Parker: or click here)
(download flyer)
Monday, 10/23:30-4:30Brewster D-203James Hamilton
(University of California, San Diego)
Why You Should Never Use the Hodrick-Prescott Filter
(download slides)
(download paper)
Monday, 10/27:00-8:00Rivers West 105AJames Hamilton
(University of California, San Diego)
James Butkiewicz
(University of Delaware)
Randall Parker
(East Carolina University)
Public Forum on the State of the Economy
(download flyer)
Wednesday, 10/1912:30-1:30Brewster C-305Gregory HowardUtilizing Subjective Beliefs in Stated Preference Models: Issues and Solutions.
Wednesday, 11/212:30-1:30Brewster C-305Chun KuangLife-cycle housing demand and labor market age composition
Friday, 11/111:00-2:30Brewster B-104Kevin Berry (Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies)The Environmental Insurance Trap
(download abstract)
Wednesday, 11/1512:30-1:30Brewster C-305Svetlana AmirovaWORKSHOP: “Direct reciprocity with costly punishment: Generous 4t-for-tat prevails” by David G. Rand, Hisashi Ohtsuki, Mar4n A. Nowak
(download slides)
Wednesday, 11/1612:30-1:30Brewster C-305Jonathan LeeReclaimed Water as a Tool for Water Conservation: An Evaluation of Household Rebound Effects in Water Consumption when Water is “Green”
Friday, 11/18N/AN/AN/ANo seminar: SEA Meetings
Wednesday, 11/3012:30-1:30Brewster C-305Jacob HochardHuman Health and Water Quality
(Download EPA Abstract)
(Download Paper)
Friday, 12/2N/AN/AN/AN/A

Spring 2017 Seminar Schedule

Wednesday, 1/18N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 1/20N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 1/25N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 1/273:30-5:00Brewster B-104Yuanhao Li
(Norwegian School of Economics)
Behavioral drivers of investments in catch share fisheries (download abstract)
Wednesday, 2/1N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 2/31:00-2:30Brewster B-104Charles Sims
(University of Tennessee)
Do climate change forecasts encourage private adaptation?: Water-saving irrigation investments under uncertainty
(download slides)
Wednesday, 2/8N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 2/10N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 2/15 12:30-1:30Brewster C-305Koen de Koning
(University of Twente)
Linking Stated and Revealed Preference Methods in Flood Risk Assessments (link to related paper)
Friday, 2/17N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 2/22N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 2/241:00-2:30Brewster B-104Pete Maniloff
(Colorado School of Mines)
Overcompliance and Profitability: Evidence from Coal Mining
(Download Abstract)
Wednesday, 3/1N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 3/3N/AN/AN/AN/A
Wednesday, 3/8N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Spring Break
Friday, 3/10N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Spring Break
Wednesday, 3/15N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 3/171:00-2:30Brewster B-104Harrison Fell
Fuel Prices, Restructuring, and Natural Gas Plant Operations
(download paper)
Wednesday, 3/22N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 3/241:00-2:30Brewster B-104Casey Wichman
(Resources for the Future)
Wednesday, 3/29N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 3/311:00-2:30Brewster B-104Evan Plous
(Oberlin College & Conservatory)
Wednesday, 4/5N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 4/71:00-2:30Brewster B-104Paul Carrillo
(George Washington University)
Wednesday, 4/12N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 4/14N/AN/AN/ANo seminar - Good Friday
Wednesday, 4/19N/AN/AN/AN/A
Friday, 4/21N/AN/AN/AN/A

Usually Wednesdays are reserved for shorter work in progress presentations or workshops by ECU faculty, whereas Fridays are usually devoted to regular seminars for outside speakers.